madwifi and wpa-psk problem

Benj Carson benjcarson
Fri May 6 14:05:45 PDT 2005


I've scoured this list a bit and it seems I've run across the same problem as 
a few others [1] with madwifi and WPA.  Some people have reported success, so 
I'm hopeful that I can get this to work.

I have a D-Link DWL-G520 which uses the Atheros AR5212 chip and a Linksys 
WAP54G.  The AP is configured to use WPA-PSK, and works fine with the Intel 
PRO/Wireless 2100 in my laptop.  I'm running the latest developer CVS snap of 
wpa_supplicant and I updated madwifi from CVS last week.

I'm having trouble getting the card to associate completely with the AP.  In 
looking at the wpa_supplicant logs, it appears that authentication proceeds 
correctly, but once the group handshake is completed, the connection gets 

Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20
Wireless event: new AP: 00:00:00:00:00:00
Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
Added BSSID 00:0f:66:75:0c:88 into blacklist

I'm fairly confident that my wpa_supplicant configuration is correct because 
it is basically identical to the config on my laptop, which works.  Beyond 
fairly obvious issues, I'm not really able to debug this any further and I'm 
hoping someone here can help.  I've collected a debug log from 
wpa_supplicant, turned on debugging in the madwifi driver and I collected 
packets during authentication using my laptop.  These are available here:

The system is running Debian, on their 2.6.8-k7 kernel.  If there is any other 
information I should provide, please let me know.  I'm half-handy in C (just 
not familiar with WiFi) so if there's code that you'd like me to noodle with, 
let me know.


Benj Carson

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