Using monitor mode

Christian Bünnig masala
Wed May 4 08:51:19 PDT 2005

Johnny Choque wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your suggestion about kismet but I prefer to use ethereal because
> I need to make several test in which I need to see the packets captured
> while the sniffer tool is running.
> I am using a Linksys Network PC Card v2.5 and I do not know if that wireless
> card have problems with hostap in monitor mode or it is needed to use with
> particular firmware version.

A too old firmware might be the problem. If you have a try with kismet 
and the problem is still there, then upgrading the firmware could solve 
it. At is a good explanation on how to 
do this and where to get firmware files.

$ hostap_diag -p INTERFACE

tells you which firmware is currently used (sorry if I'm telling you old 
stuff ;) )

If the sniffing works with kismet then I guess it depends on how you set 
the card into monitor mode.

hopefully it helps you, but maybe someone has experienced similar 
problems and knows more about that.


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