[patch] add MODULE_VERSION(PRISM2_VERSION) for kernels that define the macro (2.6.10 at least)

Jim Cromie jcromie
Fri Feb 18 14:16:21 PST 2005

w patch, I get:

[jimc at harpo hostap]$  modinfo hostap
author:         Jouni Malinen
description:    Host AP common routines
license:        GPL
version:        0.3.7 - 2005-02-12
parm:           other_ap_policy:Other AP beacon monitoring policy (0-3)
parm:           ap_max_inactivity:AP timeout (in seconds) for station 
parm:           ap_bridge_packets:Bridge packets directly between stations
parm:           autom_ap_wds:Add WDS connections to other APs automatically
vermagic:       2.6.10-kad1 PENTIUMM gcc-3.4
srcversion:     773619752866E72541F35EC

it also compiles wo errors on 2.4.29, which doesnt have the macro.
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