wpa_supplicant against a wrt54g with new broadcom drivers

Andreas Schuldei andreas
Thu Sep 30 15:57:38 PDT 2004

i updated the firware in my wrt54g in my working setup with the
latest sveasoft pre-release alchemy pre-5.3 and it broke. 

the firmware contains new broadcom binary only drivers. 

here comes some debugging information: 

 all relevant parts from my wpa_supplicant.conf: 
 timotheus:~# egrep -v '(^#.*|^[[:space:]]*$)' /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 
 pairwise=CCMP TKIP 
 group=CCMP TKIP WEP104 WEP40 
 the debug output from wpa_supplicant (Olssen is a neighbour`s network which gets picked up): 
 timotheus:~# wpa_supplicant -i ath0 -D madwifi -d 
 Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' -> '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' 
 Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' 
 Priority group 5 
 id=0 ssid='Access_Point' 
 EAPOL: KEY_RX entering state NO_KEY_RECEIVE 
 EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE 
 EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED 
 EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_wpa: enabled=1 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=1 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=2 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=3 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_countermeasures: enabled=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1 
 Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID) 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=12 
 Received 475 bytes of scan results (2 BSSes) 
 Scan results: 2 
 Selecting BSS from priority group 5 
 0: 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad ssid='Access_Point' wpa_ie_len=24 rsn_ie_len=0 
 Trying to associate with 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad (SSID='Access_Point' freq=2462 MHz) 
 Cancelling scan request 
 WPA: using IEEE 802.11i/D3.0 
 WPA: Own WPA IE - hexdump(len=24): dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=1 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=2 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=3 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1 
 Setting authentication timeout: 5 sec 0 usec 
 EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - EAP fail=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - portControl=Auto 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=24 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=24 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20 
 Wireless event: new AP: 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad 
 Association event - clear replay counter 
 Associated to a new BSS: BSSID=00:0f:66:45:e2:ad 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=1 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=2 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=3 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=1 
 EAPOL: txStart 
 WPA: drop TX EAPOL in non-IEEE 802.1X mode (type=1 len=0) 
 EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE 
 EAP: EAP entering state INITIALIZE 
 EAP: EAP entering state IDLE 
 Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec 
 RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'ath0' added 
 RX EAPOL from 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad 
 Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec 
 EAPOL: Ignoring WPA EAPOL-Key frame in EAPOL state machines 
 IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=95 
 EAPOL-Key type=254 
 WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad (ver=2) 
 WPA: WPA IE for msg 2/4 - hexdump(len=24): dd 16 00 50 f2 01 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 04 01 00 00 50 f2 02 
 WPA: Renewed SNonce - hexdump(len=32): 7b 68 45 58 49 2a 09 bf 5b 91 6f d6 86 df cb 3c 85 97 95 e4 bb e7 1e 14 f5 17 24 0b 93 cb 72 40 
 WPA: PMK - hexdump(len=32): 27 2a 7a ac 7c 67 cf 56 3b 86 26 cd f5 ad ae fa 13 08 24 6a cf 6b 1b 2e 6c 80 b9 dd dd 58 a1 56 
 WPA: PTK - hexdump(len=64): 01 92 48 4e e1 04 01 c1 08 c5 a0 27 7c f2 26 00 a1 15 6a 8d 4a 00 a1 e3 10 70 ec 0f 41 36 1d 3cdd 87 5a 72 0f 7f e2 42 c4 e1 9f 9e 2b 8f c8 af 17 08 a6 77 93 9f 44 58 cf a2 5b 15 11 76 a4 7c 
 WPA: EAPOL-Key MIC - hexdump(len=16): fe 95 06 4f 0b eb a9 b6 77 c1 d0 e1 2f 54 f5 24 
 WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4 
 RX EAPOL from 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad 
 EAPOL: Ignoring WPA EAPOL-Key frame in EAPOL state machines 
 IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=119 
 EAPOL-Key type=254 
 WPA: RX message 3 of 4-Way Handshake from 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad (ver=2) 
 WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 4/4 
 WPA: Installing PTK to the driver. 
 WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_key: alg=CCMP key_idx=0 set_tx=1 seq_len=6 key_len=16 
 RX EAPOL from 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad 
 EAPOL: Ignoring WPA EAPOL-Key frame in EAPOL state machines 
 IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=119 
 EAPOL-Key type=254 
 WPA: RX message 1 of Group Key Handshake from 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad (ver=2) 
 WPA: Group Key - hexdump(len=16): c6 92 9c a0 0f 25 51 b1 da b3 bd 18 6f b7 09 82 
 WPA: Installing GTK to the driver (keyidx=1 tx=0). 
 WPA: RSC - hexdump(len=6): 00 00 00 00 00 00 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_key: alg=CCMP key_idx=1 set_tx=0 seq_len=6 key_len=16 
 WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/2 
 WPA: Key negotiation completed with 00:0f:66:45:e2:ad 
 Cancelling authentication timeout 
 EAPOL: External notification - portValid=1 
 EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=1 
 EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state SUCCESS 
 EAP: EAP entering state SUCCESS 
 EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20 
 Wireless event: new AP: 00:00:00:00:00:00 
 Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec 
 EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0 
 EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state INITIALIZE 
 EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED 
 EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0 
 Disconnect event - remove keys 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=1 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=2 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=3 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'ath0' added 
 Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID) 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=12 
 Received 201 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes) 
 Scan results: 1 
 Selecting BSS from priority group 5 
 0: 00:09:5b:c4:a4:92 ssid='Olsson' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 
 skip - no WPA/RSN IE 
 No suitable AP found. 
 Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec 
 Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID) 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=12 
 Received 201 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes) 
 Scan results: 1 
 Selecting BSS from priority group 5 
 0: 00:09:5b:c4:a4:92 ssid='Olsson' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 
 skip - no WPA/RSN IE 
 No suitable AP found. 
 Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec 
 Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID) 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12 
 Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=12 
 Received 201 bytes of scan results (1 BSSes) 
 Scan results: 1 
 Selecting BSS from priority group 5 
 0: 00:09:5b:c4:a4:92 ssid='Olsson' wpa_ie_len=0 rsn_ie_len=0 
 skip - no WPA/RSN IE 
 No suitable AP found. 
 Setting scan request: 5 sec 0 usec 
 Signal 2 received - terminating 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=1 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=2 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=3 
 EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0 
 EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_wpa: enabled=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=0 
 wpa_driver_madwifi_set_countermeasures: enabled=0 
 as you can see the connection is set up all right (and during that time the iwconfig output shows a successfull connection, too). But it breaks up for reasons i dont understand and cant really guess. 
how can i work around this?

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