[Fwd: Need some infornation to buy wireless cards]

Afsaneh Sattari asattari
Fri Oct 22 12:20:54 PDT 2004


Hello ,

For my test experimnet I need wireless card that supports ieee 11. (a) , 
(b), and  (g) . Now I have a D-Link DWL-AG650 . I could installed it 
using the madwifi project driver in my laptop computer. Now I need to 
install it in several  Pcs in my lab. My questions is following , 
because PCMCIA is not working with cardbus bridges I am not able usinf 
dlink. So I have to buy the following two options  

  1.    A PCI that is able to work with cardbus bridge or
  2.  Get another PCI wireless (the cards that are included with bridge)

I would like you to help me to buy a proper card , preferly buying the 
PCI wireless that is included with its bridge. IF you kindly give me the 
name of the card we would like to order it .

Thank you very much for your help


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