problems with modprobe hostap_pci and other

ultan lankford u_lankford
Wed Mar 31 12:36:37 PST 2004

i am running redhat 9 and have just bought a netgear
ma311 wireless card and low and behold i want to turn
it into an access point :)

i downloaded the latest hostap driver and eventually
installed it on the kernel i already had.
before i had to do modprobe hostap_pci to get the
module loaded and then the wireless card would show in

(this was also the case with  modprobe ornioco which
was configured under eth1 but i dont want that

i then put it in the etc/modules.conf under alias
wlan0 hostap_pci and it began to startup in bootup but
then i couldnt connect to the LAN/internet with my
wired eth0 

is there a way to stop this to stop my eth0 from going
down. i presum its trying to connect tp the net from
my wlan0 now is it!?

also on boot up i get a message that says "module cant
locate p80211.o module and comes up as failed
whats the story with this??

so am i nearly there installing this because ive been
at it the last 3 days.
is it in access point mode when i do the modprobe
accessap_pci, if it is great but if not how can i get
it going(havent tested it yet from a wireless client)

the whole point of this is for my project where i want
wireless clients connecting to the internet via the AP
and then forward on the wired LAN/WAN all on the one
linux box. ive even built my own interface where you
have to login and register so this is the last piece
of the puzzle for me.

Cheers in advance by the way it will mean alot :)

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