DWL-650/DHCP/IP Problems

Kalyan Ram Chintalapati kchinta
Mon Feb 16 19:46:44 PST 2004

Pavel, Andrew, Jouni:

Message Inline.

> > I think the problem I'm having is with DHCP. First let me tell you what
> > I'm doing.
> > 1. modprobe hostap_cs; modprobe hostap_crypt_wep
> > 2. ./prism2_srec -gs wlan0 pm010102.hex
> > 3. ./prism2_srec -gp wlan0 pm010102.hex
> > 4. ./prism2_srec -rp wlano rf010800.hex
> > 5. ifconfig wlan0 up
> > 6. iwconfig wlan0 essid "cuairnet" mode Managed enc restricted key 0
> > 11111111111111111111111111
>It's better to use iwconfig before ifconfig.  This way, you go on the air
>with proper configuration.  Otherwise, you start as an access point with
>ESSID "test" and then reconfigure the card to be a station.
> > <<<<<<Fine till here. Can successfully tcpdump and see the traffic on
> > wlan0>>>>>>
>Is it traffic between other hosts?

Yes! It is traffic between other hosts. I see all sorts of ARP requests etc.

>It would be more interesting to see the output of iwconfig at this 
>point.  It should show if the station is
>associated (see "Access Point").

The output of iwconfig at this point >>>i.e. before dhcpcd <<

wlan0           IEEE 802.11b    ESSID:"cuairnet"        Nickname:"linux"
                 Mode: Managed   Frequency:2.412GHz      Access Point: 
                 Bit Rate: 11Mb/s        Sensitivity:1/3
                 Retry Limit:16  RTS thr:off     Fragment thr=2312 B
                 Encryption key: blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-bl Security 
                 Power Management: off
                 Link Quality: 27/70     Signal Level:-60 dBm    Noise 
Level:-87 dBm
                 Rx invalid nwid:0       Rx invalid crypt:0      Rx invalid 
                 Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:4993       Missed 

> > 7. dhcpcd -t 20 -d wlan0
> > dhcpcd: MAC Address = 00:0d:88:51:5a:da
> > dhcpcd: your IP Address =
> > # dhcpcd-hook: State: Up. Leaseinfo: /var/lib/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-wlan0.info
> > dhcpcd-hook: Running ifup wlan0 -o dhcp
> >
> > But, after this ifconfig wlan0 doesn't show me an IP address. It shows me
> > inet6 address. Also, the "link" led on the card starts blinking (not as if
> > when there's traffic, but like it goes on/off/on/off/on/off...)
>See the output of ifconfig and iwconfig.  In particular, see if the
>interface is still up and the card is still associated.  Maybe dhcpcd
>brings the interface down temporarily.

The output of ifconfig wlan0:
linux:/usr/src/hostap/utils # ifconfig wlan0
wlan0           Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0D:88:51:5A:DA
                 inet addr: 
Bcast:  Mask:
                 inet6 addr: fe80::20d:88ff:fe51:5ada/64 Scope:Link
                 MTU:1500  Metric:1 RX packets:43326 errors:0 dropped:0 
overruns:0 frame:0
                 TX packets:12 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
                 RX bytes:8862437 (8.4 Mb)  TX bytes:2108 (2.0 Kb)
                 Interrupt:3 Base address:0x200

Output from iwconfig wlan0 >>after dhcpcd<<

linux:/usr/src/hostap/utils # iwconfig wlan0
wlan0           IEEE 802.11b  ESSID:"cuarinet" Nickname:"linux"
                 Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.467GHz  Access Point: 
                 Bit Rate:11Mb/s   Sensitivity=1/3 Retry limit:16   RTS 
thr:off   Fragment thr=2312 B
                 Encryption key:blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-bl   Security 
                 Power Management:off
                 Link Quality:27/70  Signal level:-58 dBm Noise level:-86 dBm
                 Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:0  Rx invalid frag:0
                 Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:8461  Missed beacon:0

dmesg output:

hostap_crypt: unregistered algorithm 'WEP'
hostap_crypt: unregistered algorithm 'NULL' (deinit)
hostap_crypt: registered algorithm 'NULL'
hostap_cs: CVS (Jouni Malinen <jkmaline at cc.hut.fi>)
hostap_crypt: registered algorithm 'WEP'
hostap_cs: setting Vcc=33 (constant)
hostap_cs: setting Vcc=50 (from config)
Checking CFTABLE_ENTRY 0x01 (default 0x01)
IO window settings: cfg->io.nwin=1 dflt.io.nwin=1
io->flags = 0x0047, io.base=0x0000, len=128
hostap_cs: Registered netdevice wifi0
hostap_cs: index 0x01: Vcc 5.0, irq 3, io
hostap_cs: assuming no Primary image in flash - card
initialization not completed
wifi0: test Genesis mode with HCR 0x1f
prism2_pccard_cor_sreset: original COR 41
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
Readback test failed, HCR 0x1f write 00 e1 a1 ff read
00 ce a1 ce
wifi0: test Genesis mode with HCR 0x0f
prism2_pccard_cor_sreset: original COR 41
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
Readback test succeeded, HCR 0x0f
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
wifi0: registered netdevice wlan0
wifi0: cannot get RID fdc6 (len=12) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fdc6 (len=12) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fdc1 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc06 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fd42 (len=6) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc0e (len=34) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc84 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc83 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc82 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc09 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fd48 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fdc6 (len=12) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fdc6 (len=12) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fdc1 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fc06 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fd42 (len=6) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fc0e (len=34) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fc84 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fc83 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fc82 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fc09 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot get RID fd48 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0 unsupported ioctl(0x89f1)
prism2: wlan0: operating mode changed 3 -> 2
wlan0: cannot set RID fc00 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
wlan0: cannot set RID fc0e (len=34) - no PRI f/w
wifi0: cannot get RID fc28 (len=2) - no PRI f/w
Could not read current WEP flags.
wifi0: encryption setup failed
wlan0: set_encryption failed
wlan0: cannot set RID fc02 (len=34) - no PRI f/w
prism2_download: dl_cmd=4 start_addr=0x003f0000
wifi0: test Genesis mode with HCR 0x0f
prism2_pccard_cor_sreset: original COR 41
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
Readback test succeeded, HCR 0x0f
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
prism2_hw_init: initialized in 4 ms
wifi0: NIC: id=0x8000 v0.0.1
wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.2
Could not get RID for component STA
wifi0: Failed to read STA f/w version - only Primary
f/w present
prism2_download: dl_cmd=6 start_addr=0x003f0000
wifi0: test Genesis mode with HCR 0x0f
prism2_pccard_cor_sreset: original COR 41
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
Readback test succeeded, HCR 0x0f
prism2_pccard_genesis_sreset: original COR 41
prism2_hw_init: initialized in 3 ms
wifi0: NIC: id=0x801d v1.0.0
wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.2
Could not get RID for component STA
wifi0: Failed to read STA f/w version - only Primary
f/w present
prism2_download: dl_cmd=5 start_addr=0x003f0c01
prism2_hw_init: initialized in 27 ms
wifi0: NIC: id=0x801d v1.0.0
wifi0: PRI: id=0x15 v1.1.2
wifi0: STA: id=0x1f v1.8.0
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=00:00:00:00:00:00 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=33:33:ff:51:5a:da A4=00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=00:00:00:00:00:00 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=33:33:00:00:00:02 A4=00:00:00:00
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=44:44:44:44:44:44
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=44:44:44:44:44:44
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=44:44:44:44:44:44
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=33:33:00:00:00:02 A4=00:00:00:00
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=44:44:44:44:44:44
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=44:44:44:44:44:44
wifi0: LinkStatus=1 (Connected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=00:40:96:53:18:d0
wlan0: no IPv6 routers present
wlan0 unsupported ioctl(0x89f1)
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=00:40:96:53:18:d0
wifi0: LinkStatus=2 (Disconnected)
wifi0: LinkStatus: BSSID=44:44:44:44:44:44
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=00:d0:00:8c:9b:fc A4=00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=00:d0:00:8c:9b:fc A4=00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=00:d0:00:8c:9b:fc A4=00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=00:d0:00:8c:9b:fc A4=00:00:00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff A4=00:00:00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff A4=00:00:00:00:00:00
wifi0: TXEXC - status=0x0004 ([Discon])
    retry_count=0 tx_rate=0 fc=0x4108 (Data::0 ToDS)
    A1=44:44:44:44:44:44 A2=00:0d:88:51:5a:da
A3=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff A4=00:00:00:00:00:00

Thanks in Advance,

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