Help: smc2532-wb suse 9

x86processor genes46genes
Thu Apr 1 16:31:27 PST 2004


I really, really need some help and I am new to
wireless and kernel stuff.

I bought a SMC 2532-W-B wireless card to use with my
laptop. Yes, its a prism2 chipset. I am running SuSE 9
2.4.21-99-default kernel. I would like to install the
hostap drivers and i can't understand head or tail of
the installation in the readme. I only want to
install, load the driver and use it in monitor mode.

I am not sure if i have pcmcia support in kernel or if
i have to install external pcmcia-cs package (or how
to install it too).

If someone can give me detailed step-by-step
instructions, it will be really helpful,

Please let me know,



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