Host AP Documentation

Pedro Neves etneves
Tue Nov 11 11:08:28 PST 2003



I?m a beginner with host AP and I am trying to understand the code for a
Europe QoS project (Moby Dick Project) I am working in.

I am having a lot of difficulties with the code (architecture) and I would
like to ask if someone could please give me a hand. 

Anybody can give me a link or a paper where I can have some help to
understand the code and its architecture.

I would like any kind of help. 


Best Regards,

Pedro Neves




Pedro Miguel Naia Neves

 <mailto:pneves at> pneves at

etneves at

Tef: +351 234 377 900

Tlm: +351 96 618 75 82

Instituto de Telecomunica??es - Aveiro
Campus Universit?rio de Santiago
3810-193 Aveiro - Portugal



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