problem in wep key configuration.

Dilli Babu Kodamala dillibabuk
Wed May 14 02:33:54 PDT 2003


I am using hostap driver on my Access Point as well as on my end

I have 2 end stations associated with my Access Point. The 2 end
are able to communicate with each other through the Access Point.

I) Now I'm trying to use WEP (One common key for all stations of the
AP). The
configuration I did as follows

    "iwconfig wlan0 key s:abcde"

    STA 1
    "iwconfig wlan0 key s:abcde"

    STA 2.
    "iwconfig wlan0 key s:abcde"
With this setup also the end stations
are able to communicate with each other through the Access Point.

II) Now I'm trying to use Station specific WEP keys (Different key for
each end stations of the AP). The
configuration I did as follows

    1) For STA 1
        "hostap_crypt_conf wlan0 00:11:22:33:44:55 WEP s:abcde"
    2) For STA 2
        "hostap_crypt_conf wlan0 00:66:77:88:99:00 WEP s:ghijkl"

    STA 1
    "iwconfig wlan0 key s:abcde"

    STA 2.
    "iwconfig wlan0 key s:ghijkl"

With this setup the end stations are able to communicate with AP but
they are not able to communicate with each other through the Access

Can any one help me in identifying whats going wrong here OR the
hostap driver does not support this feature.

any help here is greatly appreciated

thanks all your time

Dilli Babu

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