wireless tools with HostAP driver

srikanth_w at naturesoft.net srikanth_w
Wed Mar 12 23:53:23 PST 2003

I have installed the HostAP driver in my Red Hat box
and i try to use the last wireless extension that i
downloaded from 


I run with 2.4.7 kernel.
when i run iwconfig command i get the next warning

Warning: Driver for device wlan0 recommend version 13
of Wireless Extension but has been compiled with
version 11, therefore some driver features may notbe

***	This version 13 is for Wireless Extension in Kernel 
refer <linux/wireless.h>

Which one is the version 13?? I have the version 25,
so it is supposed that it has to work without problems.

*** 	The version 25 is for Wireless Tools, latest one.


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