Unidentified card variant ?
Harry Moyes
Tue Mar 11 14:29:27 PST 2003
Jouni -- list
I'm having problems loading updated firmware to my pheenet prism2 cards.
I attach utils dumps and the result of attempting to load firmware.
I've tried several releases of firmware with the same effect.
It looks to me as if hostap does not recognise NICID 0x8003
Is it reasonable to teach hostap about this card?
[root at pei utils]# ./hostap_diag -a wlan0
Host AP driver diagnostics information for 'wlan0'
NICID: id=0x8003 v1.0.0 (HWB3163 Rev B, Samsung PC Card Rev. B)
PRIID: id=0x0015 v0.3.0
STAID: id=0x001f v0.7.6 (station firmware)
Known RIDs (Resource IDentifiers)
FC04=CNFOWNSSID=)( Shoka red
FD02=PRIID=0x15 v0.3.0
FD03=PRISUPRANGE=0 0x03 1 1-2
FD04=CFIACTRANGES=1 0x02 1 1-1
FD0B=NICID=0x8003 v1.0.0
FD0C=MFISUPRANGE=0 0x01 1 1-1
FD0D=CFISUPRANGE=0 0x02 1 1-1
+ 295*<ff>
FD20=STAID=0x1f v0.7.6
FD21=STASUPRANGE=0 0x04 1 1-4
FD22=MFIACTRANGES=1 0x01 1 1-1
FD23=CFIACTRANGES2=1 0x02 1 1-1
FD41=CURRENTSSID=)( Shoka red
Unknown RIDs (Resource IDentifiers)
Baseband proccessor (BBP) Configuration Registers
CR0 (Part/Version Code): 19 - Part=1 (HFA3861B series) Version=3 (3861B
Version)CR1 (I/O Polarity): 19 (normal setting 0)
Phase of RX carrier rotation sense: normal rotation (CCW)
Phase of TX carrier rotation sense: normal rotation (CCW)
Phase of TX output clock (TXCLK) pin: NON-Inverted TXCLK
Active level of the Transmit Ready output: TX_RDY Active 0
Active level of the transmit enable input: TX_PE Active 1
Active level of the Clear Channel Assessment output: CCA Active 0
Active level of the MD_RDY output: MD_RDY Active 0
Phase of the RX_CLK output: Invert Clk
CR2 (I Cover Code): 72 (nominally 72)
CR3 (Q Cover Code): 72 (nominally 72)
CR4 (TX Preamble Length): 128 (IEEE 802.11: 128)
CR5 (TX Signal Field): 1
Preamble mode: Normal
TX data rate: 01 = DQPSK - 11 chip sequence (2Mbps)
CR6 (TX Service Field): 0
CR7 (TX Length Field, High): 1
CR8 (TX Length Field, Low): 20
TX Length Field: 276 usec
CR9 (TX Configure): 162
CCA sample mode time: 15.8 usec
CCA mode: CCA is based on (CS1 OR SQ1/CS2)
TX test modes: Alternating bits for carrier suppression test
Enable TX test modes: normal operation
Antenna choice for TX: Set AntSel low
TX Antenna Mode: set AntSel pin to antenna for which last valid header CRC
CR10 (RX Configure): 184
Initial CS2 estimate: Use SQ1 from Barker correlator peaks
CIR estimate/Dot product clock control: on during acquisition
SFD Time-out values: 64 usec
MD_RDY control: After SFD
Force Frequency Offset Estimating in all antenna diversity timelines:
Antenna choice for RX when single antenna acquisition is selected: AntSel
pin low
Antenna acquire: dual antenna for diversity acquisition
CR11 (RX/TX Configure): 59
Continuous internal RX 22 and 44 MHZ clocks: 0
A/D input coupling: DC
TX filter / CMF weight select: Japan
Ping Pong Differential Encode: normal
CCA mode: Sampled CCA; CCA will update once per slot (20 usec)
Precursor value in CIR estimate: 3
CR12 (A/D Test Modes 1): 0
All DAC and A/D clock source control: normal internal clocks
TX DAC clock: enable
RX DAC clock: enable
I DAC clock: enable
Q DAC clock: enable
RF A/D clock: enable
I A/D clock: enable
Q A/D clock: enable
CR13 (A/D Test Modes 2): 0
Standby: disable
SLEEP TX: disable
SLEEP RX: disable
SLEEP IQ: disable
Analog TX Shut_down: disable
Analog RX Shut_down: disable
Analog Standby: disable
Manual control of mixed signal power down signals (other CR13 bits):
disableCR14 (A/D Test Modes 3): 0
DFS - select straight binary output of I/Q and RF A/D converters: 0
I/Q DAC input control: normal (TX filter)
Enable test bus into RX and TX DAC: disable
Enable RF A/D into RX DAC: disable
VRbit1: 0
VRbit0: 0
CR15 (AGC GainClip): 92
CR16 (AGC Sat Cpints): 130
AGC mid Sat counts: 8
AGC low Sat counts: 2
CR17 (AGC Update Control): 32
AGC update during CIR injest: disable
AGC timer count: 32 (must be >31)
CR18 (AGC HiSat): 196
CR19 (AGC LockinLevel/CW detect threshold): 23
CR20 (AGC LockWindow, pos side): 10
CR21 (AGC Threshold): 14
CR22 (AGC Lookup Table Addr and Control): 31
CR23 (AGC Lookup Table Data): 127
CR24 (AGC LoopGain): 45
CR25 (AGC RX_IF): 32
CR26 (AGC Test Modes): 144
CR27 (AGC RX_RF Threshold): 24
CR28 (AGC Low SatAtten): 118
CR29 (AGC LockWindow, negative side): 10
CR30 (Carrier Sense 2): 36
CR31 (Manual TX Power Control): 206
CR32 (Test Modes 1): 0
CR33 (Test Modes 2): 0
CR34 (Test Bus Address): 0
CR35 (CMF Coefficient Control): 12
CR36 (Scrambler Seed, Long Preamble Option): 38
CR37 (Scrambler Seed, Short Preamble Option): 91
CR38 (ED Threshold): 127
CR39 (CMF Gain Threshold): 41
CR40 (Threshold for antenna decision): 15
CR41 (Preamble tracking loop lead coefficient): 32
CR42 (Preamble tracking loop lag coefficient): 32
CR43 (Header tracking loop lead coefficient): 16
CR44 (Header tracking loop lag coefficient): 16
CR45 (Data tracking loop lead coefficient): 16
CR46 (Data tracking loop lag coefficient): 16
CR47 (RF attenuator value): 30
CR48 (ED and SQ1 control and SQ1 scale factor): 30
CR49 (Read only register mux control for registers 50 to 63): 152
CW RSSI threshold: 24
CR50..CR63: 'a' value
CR50 (Test Bus Read): 0
CR51 (Noise floorAntA): 4
CR52 (Noise floorAntB): 4
CR53 (AGC error): 0
CR54 (Unassigned): 0
CR55 (Unassigned): 0
CR56 (Unassigned): 0
CR57 (Unassigned): 0
CR58 (TX Power Measurement): 180
CR59 (RX Mean Power): 7
CR60 (RX_IF AGC): 19
CR61 (RX Status Reg): 5
CR62 (RSSI): 8
CR63 (RX Status Reg): 0
[root at pei utils]#
[root at pei utils]# ./prism2_srec -vvr wlan0
S3 plug record: PDR=0xffffffff plug: addr=0x007ECA08 len=14
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0202 plug: addr=0x007F12E6 len=100
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0203 plug: addr=0x007F134A len=128
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0204 plug: addr=0x007F14CA len=80
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0405 plug: addr=0x007F151A len=4
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0300 plug: addr=0x007F151E len=28
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0301 plug: addr=0x007F153A len=34
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0101 plug: addr=0x007F171A len=6
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0103 plug: addr=0x007EC9CA len=12
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0104 plug: addr=0x007ECB02 len=2
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0105 plug: addr=0x007F1726 len=2
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0105 plug: addr=0x007ECB3E len=2
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0105 plug: addr=0x007F1826 len=2
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0107 plug: addr=0x007EC9D8 len=2
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0006 plug: addr=0x007EC9A4 len=10
S3 plug record: PDR=0x0406 plug: addr=0x007F17BE len=2
S3 CRC-16 generation record: start=0x007E1800 len=65638 prog=1
S3 f/w info: version: component=0x001f 1.3.6
S3 f/w info: compatibility: role=0x0000 iface_id=0x0004 variant=6 range=1-9
S3 f/w info: compatibility: role=0x0001 iface_id=0x0001 variant=1 range=1-1
S3 f/w info: compatibility: role=0x0001 iface_id=0x0002 variant=2 range=1-1
S3 f/w info: compatibility: role=0x0001 iface_id=0x0003 variant=1 range=4-4
S3 f/w info: build seq#: 0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x800a 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x800b 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x800c 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x800d 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x8012 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x8013 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x8014 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x8016 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x8017 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x8018 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x801a 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x801b 1.0.0
S3 f/w info: platform: id=0x801c 1.0.0
Start address 0x00000000
Before S3 sort
S3 area count: 6
addr=0x007E1800..0x007E2DC7 (len=5576)
addr=0x007FE000..0x007FEB1D (len=2846)
addr=0x007E2DC8..0x007E2ECB (len=260)
addr=0x007FEB1E..0x007FEC13 (len=246)
addr=0x007E2ECC..0x007ECEE5 (len=40986)
addr=0x007F0800..0x007F1865 (len=4198)
After S3 sort
S3 area count: 3
addr=0x007E1800..0x007ECEE5 (len=46822)
addr=0x007F0800..0x007F1865 (len=4198)
addr=0x007FE000..0x007FEC13 (len=3092)
Total data length: 54112
srec summary for SF010306.HEX
Component: 0x001f 1.3.6 (station firmware)
Supported platforms:
0x800a 1.0.0, 0x800b 1.0.0, 0x800c 1.0.0, 0x800d 1.0.0, 0x8012 1.0.0
0x8013 1.0.0, 0x8014 1.0.0, 0x8016 1.0.0, 0x8017 1.0.0, 0x8018 1.0.0
0x801a 1.0.0, 0x801b 1.0.0, 0x801c 1.0.0
Interface compatibility information:
role=Supplier variant=6 range=1-9 iface=Station Firmware-Driver (4)
role=Actor variant=1 range=1-1 iface=Modem-Firmware (1)
role=Actor variant=2 range=1-1 iface=Controller-Firmware (2)
role=Actor variant=1 range=4-4 iface=Primary Firmware-Driver (3)
Separate S3 data areas:
addr 0x007E1800..0x007ECEE5 (len 46822)
addr 0x007F0800..0x007F1865 (len 4198)
addr 0x007FE000..0x007FEC13 (len 3092)
Total data length: 54112 bytes
Start address 0x00000000
Wireless LAN card information:
NICID: 0x8003 v1.0.0
PRIID: 0x0015 v0.3.0
STAID: 0x001f v0.7.6
Interface compatibility information:
PRI role=Supplier variant=1 range=1-1 iface=Modem-Firmware (1)
PRI role=Supplier variant=1 range=1-1 iface=Controller-Firmware (2)
PRI role=Supplier variant=1 range=1-2 iface=Primary Firmware-Driver (3)
STA role=Supplier variant=1 range=1-4 iface=Station Firmware-Driver (4)
PRI role=Actor variant=1 range=1-1 iface=Controller-Firmware (2)
STA role=Actor variant=1 range=1-1 iface=Controller-Firmware (2)
STA role=Actor variant=1 range=1-1 iface=Modem-Firmware (1)
PDR 0x0001 len=16: 48 57 42 33 31 36 33 42 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PDR 0x0003 len=12: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
PDR 0x0006 len=10: 00 00 01 00 01 00 01 00 01 00
PDR 0x0007 len=10: 00 00 02 00 01 00 01 00 01 00
PDR 0x0008 len=8: 03 80 00 00 01 00 00 00
PDR 0x0101 len=6: 00 80 c6 e3 3f 97
PDR 0x0103 len=12: 01 00 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
PDR 0x0104 len=2: ff 1f
PDR 0x0105 len=2: 06 00
PDR 0x0107 len=2: 01 00
PDR 0x0202 len=100: 9b 16 00 02 48 04 48 06 80 08 03 0a 04 0c 04 0e 00 10 a2
b8 14 3b 16 00 18 00 1a 00 1c 5c 1e 82 20 20 22 c4 24 17 26 0a 28 0e 2a 00 2c
00 2e 2d 30 20 32 90 34 18 36 76 38 0a 3a 24 3c c8 3e 00 40 00 42 00 44 0c 46
26 48 5b 4a 7f 4c 29 4e 0f 50 20 52 20 54 10 56 10 58 10 5a 10 5c 1e 5e 1e 60
98 62
PDR 0x0203 len=128: 00 2c 0c 2e 01 2c 10 2e 02 2c 14 2e 03 2c 18 2e 04 2c 1c
05 2c 20 2e 06 2c 24 2e 07 2c 28 2e 08 2c 2e 2e 09 2c 34 2e 0a 2c 38 2e 0b 2c
3c 2e 0c 2c 3f 2e 0d 2c 43 2e 0e 2c 46 2e 0f 2c 48 2e 10 2c 4b 2e 11 2c 50 2e
12 2c 55 2e 13 2c 5a 2e 14 2c 63 2e 15 2c 6d 2e 16 2c 76 2e 17 2c 7f 2e 18 2c
7f 2e
19 2c 7f 2e 1a 2c 7f 2e 1b 2c 7f 2e 1c 2c 7f 2e 1d 2c 7f 2e 1e 2c 7f 2e 1f 2c
7f 2e
PDR 0x0204 len=80: 03 00 00 50 06 00 00 70 16 00 00 00 c6 05 00 60 07 00 00 50
2c 00 00 00 e5 0f 00 e0 ea 0f 00 e0 ef 0f 00 e0 04 10 00 e0 09 10 00 e0 0e 10
e0 23 10 00 e0 28 10 00 e0 2d 10 00 e0 42 10 00 e0 47 10 00 e0 4c 10 00 e0 61
10 00 e0 6d 10 00 e0
PDR 0x0300 len=28: a0 00 a2 00 a3 00 a3 00 a8 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00
ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00
PDR 0x0301 len=34: cf 00 cf 00 ce 00 ce 00 ce 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00
cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 b5 00 9d 00 6d 00
PDR 0x0900 len=60: a0 00 a2 00 a3 00 a3 00 a8 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00
ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 a0 00 ad 00 a0 00 a2 00 a3 00 a3 00 a8 00 ad 00 ad 00
00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00 ad 00
PDR 0x0901 len=66: cf 00 cf 00 ce 00 ce 00 ce 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00
cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cf 00 cd 00 cf 00 cf 00 ce 00 ce 00 ce 00 cd 00 cd 00
00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 cd 00 b5 00 9d 00 6d 00
PDR 0xf001 len=6: 00 00 00 00 00 00
PDR 0x0000 len=2: 5c b9
Verifying update compatibility and combining data:
NICID was not found from the list of supported platforms.
Incompatible updata data.
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