HostAP on iPaq
Projekt Manager
Thu Mar 6 07:46:44 PST 2003
Hi Jouni & others,
I jumped into it head first and cross-compiled HostAP for the ARM based
iPAQ. Despite minor problems, the compiling itself was straight forward.
Here's the steps I followed.
1) Installed the ARM cross compiler tools from the LART website:
2) downloaded and patched the sources for kernel 2.4.16 and the related
ARM patch (my host machine is a 2.4.18, but the Familiar distro on
target is 2.4.16).
3) modified minorly our HostAP Makefile and compiled (Makefile is attached).
For a while I didn't see the modules loaded and depmod/modprobe gave
"unresolved symbols" errors.
But after a few trials (really out of no where) the hostap_cs module
seemed to load, with the detrimental effect that the iPAQ just froze. I
attached the bootlog captured on Hyperterminal window.
Feels like I'm almost there, but why does it hang at "hostap_cs:
Registered netdevice wlan0"?
Any insight is much appreciated.
1) Makefile
2) iPAQ boot seq output
Jouni Malinen wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 02:57:12PM +0100, Projekt Manager wrote:
>>I'd now I'd like to port the setup to an iPAQ running Linux. I've
>>already got a Familiar distribution installed on the iPAQ, including
>>PCMCIA drivers, but would like to know if HostAP needs to be
>>Or can I get by just downloading the driver binaries + hostap_cs.conf
> Unless your laptop is using similar ARM processor as iPAQ (which is
> highly unlikely), you need to compile the driver for ARM, e.g., with a
> cross-compiler.
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