updating firmware on zoomair 4100(05)

Richard Docksey Richard.Docksey
Wed Jan 22 07:58:04 PST 2003


I have zoomair 4100(05) pci/pc cards with firmware version 1.4.2 and I need
to update the pci card for it to work in host ap mode.  I've not been able
to find a way to do it so far; the prism2 testsuite (available from
intersil) claims to have a winupdate program - but, after installing it
(twice!), the exe isn't available.  I raised a tech support questions with
zoom and got the following response

There are no firmware updates available for the 4100 Zoomair Cards.

Thank you
Zoom Technical Support

after searching this mail list archive I did find a hex txt file for
flashing the card with but don't know of a tool I can use to do it.  

does anybody have any experience of carrying out this update with the
zoomair cards?  any advice or help would be very welcome.

thanks in advance,

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