Channels 12 and 13

Rafael Vidal rvidal
Wed Feb 19 03:42:43 PST 2003

In Spain you can use all the 13 channels

UN-115 (in spanish)


Dave Edwards escribi?:
> The channel information is country specific.
> If I recall correctly you have only 11 FCC channels in the US and 13 
> ETSI channels in Europe(except France and Spain).
> Additionally Japan had only channel 13 available for a time (I think 
> this has now changed).

OOO  Rafael Vidal Ferre           Tel +34-934137055 Fax +34-934137007
OOO  EPSC, Despatx 007            e-mail: rvidal at
OOO  Avda. del Canal Ol?mpic, sn  WWW:
UPC  Departament d'Enginyeria Telematica   Campus de Castelldefels
      Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya  08860 Castelldefels (Spain)

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