Hostap RPMs (was Hostap driver problem)

Sitsofe Wheeler sits
Thu Aug 28 01:35:40 PDT 2003

On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 03:52, Veronica Lane wrote:
> i just wanted to ask if there is an available driver
> for hostap that is in the rpm version? i really would
> like to know and your help would be greatly
> appreciated.
Unfortunately it is not simple to provide RPMs of kernel modules. If I
were to build an RPM for say RedHat 8.0 then the RPM in question will
only work on the *exact same version* of the kernel it was compiled
against. So an RPM compiled to work on RedHat will not work on Mandrake
or SuSE etc. This also means that if RedHat release an updated kernel
with security fixes and I upgrade to it (as one should) then the
existing Hostap RPM will no longer work and will have to be rebuilt
again. At any rate, you didn't say which distro and kernel you were
running so the odds of my building an RPM that would work for you are
small (and if they differ then I couldn't help you anyway).

For RedHat, there are some kernel modules that are maintained outside
the distribution though. If you look at you will find that the alsa
modules have been packaged up and each time RedHat release an updated
kernel some poor sap goes and rebuilds the entire bunch of RPMs again.
If you want Hostap RPMs I would suggest asking the people who package
that up to help you.

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