[PATCH] PLX genesis mode support

Pavel Roskin proski
Sun Aug 3 01:43:19 PDT 2003


This patch enables genesis mode support on cards using PLX and TMD
adapters.  I cannot test it on my PLX board until Monday, but I'm 80%
confident that it would work.  The patch should be safe to apply - it
doesn't affect existing functionality.

I'll not be able to test this patch on a TMD board, so volunteers are

Since the COR and HCR registers are actually located on the PCMCIA card, I
decided to preserve COR except the reset bit as it's done in hostap_cs
rather than use fixed values as in hostap_pci.

To test this code, a Prism 2.5 card should be used in the PLX or TMD slot.
Prism 2 cards won't work.  Try loading primary firmware into RAM by using
this command:

prism2_srec -g wlan0 ak010104.hex

ak010104.hex can be taken from

Pavel Roskin
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