Kernel Oops with hostap_pci CVS in SMP machine

Santiago Gala sgala
Wed Apr 16 15:40:58 PDT 2003

I have been using successfully hostap_pci, with a Micronet card, using 
the following kernel: (a Mandrake kernel) on a SMP (dual PentiumIII) machine 
which I use as Wireless node.

I started to have problems with the following release: (a Mandrake kernel).

Now I have upgraded to the latest Mandrake kernel:

It gives the attached Oops on startup or hand-loading the hostap_pci module:

I'm not an expert in kernel programming. I am willing to test any patch, 
or to check the kernel sources to track the problem, if it is in kernel 
code. The Mandrake kernel is 2.4.20 + pre4 patch + devices and other 
Mandrake patches, in spite of what the release says. I know because I 
have the source RPM and have compiled it myself, with exactly the same 

Any clues?

Santiago Gala
High Sierra Technology, S.L. (

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