1.4.9 firmware & Tekram PC400

Marcel Prisi marcel
Wed Oct 30 02:09:58 PST 2002

Hi all !

I have a Tekram PC400 PCI card (Prism 2.5) with release 1.3.4 of the

I wanted to update it using prism2_srec but got an error ... have a look

ap:/usr/src/hostap-2002-10-12/utils# ./prism2_srec wlan0
srec summary for RF010409.HEX
Component: 0x001f 1.4.9 (station firmware)
Supported platforms:
  0x800a 1.0.0,  0x800b 1.0.0,  0x800c 1.0.0,  0x800d 1.0.0,  0x8012
  0x8013 1.0.0,  0x8014 1.0.0,  0x8016 1.0.0,  0x8017 1.0.0,  0x8018
  0x801a 1.0.0,  0x801b 1.0.0,  0x801c 1.0.0,  0x8021 1.0.0,  0x8022
  0x8023 1.0.0,  0x800a 1.0.0,  0x800e 1.0.0,  0x8015 1.0.0,  0x8019
  0x801d 1.0.0,  0x8024 1.0.0
Separate S3 data areas:
  addr 0x007E1800..0x007ED199 (len 47514)
  addr 0x007F0800..0x007F1875 (len 4214)
  addr 0x007FE000..0x007FECE7 (len 3304)
Total data length: 55032 bytes
Start address 0x003f0c01

Wireless LAN card information:
  NICID: 0x8013 v1.0.0
  PRIID: 0x0015 v1.0.5
  STAID: 0x001f v1.3.4

Verifying update compatibility and combining data:
Incompatible interfaces:
  SREC: role=Actor    variant=1 range=4-4 iface=Primary Firmware-Driver
  card: role=Supplier variant=1 range=1-3 iface=Primary Firmware-Driver
Incompatible updata data.

What is incompatible ? Is it the range (European vs. American ??) or the
role (what is it btw ?)

Thanks for your help.

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