Hi In your post it shows that you're still using flvstreamer. So it's an old version of get_iplayer, I think. RTMPDump is used now instead of flvstreamer. It would be better if you did a clean install with the latest version of get_iplayer. From here:- w w w . i n f r a d e a d . o r g / g e t _ i p l a y e r / h t m l / g e t _ i p l a y e r . h t m l When you've done that, the commands will be:- For 1280x720:- get_iplayer --get --mode=flashhd --pid=XXXXXXX And If there isn't a 1280x720 hd version available... For 832x468 try:- get_iplayer --get --mode=flashvhigh --pid=XXXXXXX Or For 640x360 try:- get_iplayer --get --pid=XXXXXXX When they're downloaded the files are type mp4 format.