Audio portion of dash downloads slow

Jeremy Nicoll - ml gip at
Mon Mar 14 05:29:00 PDT 2022

On 2022-03-14 03:02, Nick Payne wrote:

> No, here's an example of the quite different speeds for the audio and
> video portions of a dash download - the 158Mb of audio took 31 minutes
> to download...

It was 158 MB of audio data which is at least 8 times larger (more than
8* if it includes transfer protocol data as well as the audio data).

Maybe you know that &  are just being sloppy with your notation, but if
you use the wrong forms you'll likely get confused since the stats 
carefully make use of both.  Look at this line:

> INFO: Downloaded: 158.00 MB (02:42:25) [2538] in 00:31:30 @ 0.67 Mb/s
> (dashfhd1/cf) [audio]

which has the total quantity and also the Mbps download speed.  That is
download speed in Bps (Bytes per sec) was

  158 * 1024 * 1024 / ((31 * 60) + 30)  =  87658 Bytes / sec

which is at least (87658 * 8) = 701264 bps (bits/sec)

which is 701264 / (1024 * 1024) = 0.6687 Mbps (ie the 0.67 Mb/s shown).

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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