Permission denied at /usr/local/get_iplayer line 2153

Paul McGrath csjjpm at
Wed Dec 22 14:05:57 PST 2021

Hi Jimmy,
  thanks for replying.
I'm on FreeBSD 12..3 with get_iplayer 3.28
My options file has
ffmpeg /usr/local/bin

When I do a ffmpeg --version (it is in usr/local/bin) it is 4.4.1

Do I need a different version of ffmpeg in a different location?

On Wed, 22 Dec 2021 at 16:22, Jimmy Aitken <jimmy.aitken at> wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Dec 2021 at 13:59, Paul McGrath <csjjpm at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >   I have had this all working before but have had to reinstall my
> > server from scratch.  I am able to download the .ts file but when it
> > comes to convert I get an error:
> >
> > open3: exec of /usr/local/bin -loglevel fatal -nostats -y -i
> > /media/www/iPlayer_Recordings/XXXXX_XXXXXX_original.hls.ts -c:v copy
> > -c:a copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc -movflags faststart
> > /media/www/iPlayer_Recordings/
> > XXXXX_XXXXXX_original.partial.mp4 failed: Permission denied at
> > /usr/local/bin/get_iplayer line 2153.
> I'm guessing you don't have ffmpeg installed or the ffmpeg entry in
> your get_iplayer config is not set, since the exec of /usr/local/bin
> is probably not a good idea and this kind of looks like the conversion
> process that ffmpeg would perform to convert from ts to mp4.
> It would help more if you provided information about the version and
> the OS that you are running it under as well.
> Jimmy

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