Advanced Searching

Chris Walker cdw_pcmail at
Mon Sep 28 14:04:37 EDT 2020

On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 14:45:30 +0200
Dave Widgery <dave.widgery at> wrote:

> Hi
> A few years ago I had a problem due to a disk crash I lost all my
> history, some nice person on this group told me where to comment a
> line out the perl script so I could run get_iplayer and populate my
> history file without actually downloading everything,
> Maybe you could do the same then run get_iplayer as if to download all
> the storyville episodes, you could then just edit the history file and
> remove the entries for the programs you actually want then run
> get_iplayer again after you have uncommented the line.
> Unfortunately I cannot remember which line to comment out, I have had
> a look in the perl script and cannot work out which line it would be,
> but maybe some other helpful person who understands how the script
> works could point you in the right direction, in fact it would be
> useful to have a switch on the command line to be able to do this,
> there have been several occasions I would l have liked to do a dummy
> run on a download without actually downloading anything.
> Hope this helps.

I like that idea. Perhaps you could try persuading the author(s) to
incorporate that option.

Meanwhile one of my sons has come up with this :-
for pid in $(get_iplayer --type=tv --listformat='<pid>' --terse Storyville
| awk '/Matches:/ {state=1; next} /INFO:/ {state=0; next} (state==1)'); do
    get_iplayer --type=tv --info --pid $pid | grep firstbcastyear | grep
2020 && get_iplayer --type=tv --get --pid $pid

I've just tried it substituting 2016 for 2020 as there are no 2020
episodes at the moment and it finds one. So I'll remove the stuff from
the pvr run and add that to a cron job running once a week perhaps on
a Saturday, just before the main pvr run which kicks off at 08:00 and
again at 10:00 before stopping until 18:00.

I would still like to see your suggestion implemented though as my fix
is not universal and there's no point in continually reinventing the

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