The Coroner series 2 Episode 8 not available

Ralph Corderoy ralph at
Sat Mar 10 04:19:46 PST 2018

Hi Roger,

> tellyadict wrote:
> > Nice idea but I'm not sure they would have thought too much about
> > it. The strange thing here is they obviously had space to broadcast
> > it because they had to fill the final slot on the friday with an
> > episode from series 1 because they had 10 slots and after they
> > scrapped episode 8 they had 9 episodes to fill them.
> Didn't they broadcast S1 Ep 1 instead of S2 Ep1, then followed by S2
> Ep 2-7/9-10, so there were 10 programmes for 10 slots?

has the gore.

They published the schedule for S1 E1-10 up to a week in advance, then
*after* E1 had broadcast they scheduled S2 E1-7,9-10 for the same
remaining time slots as S1 E2-E10.

Perhaps the BBC either consider it junk that needs no continuity, or the
afternoon audience incapable of noticing.

Cheers, Ralph.

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