
RS richard22j at zoho.com
Sat Nov 4 09:11:22 PDT 2017

I was very pleased that a facility was introduced in v3.02 to combine 
320kbit/s or 128kbit/s HVF audio with HLSHD video.  It can be turned off 
with --no-hq-audio, but I since most programmes I watch are predominantly 
speech I would prefer it to be turned off by default and to turn it on when 
I want it.  I can turn it off by default by including --no-hq-audio in my 
preferences.  Although there is a hqaudio variable in the script, there does 
not appear to be a --hq-audio option.  Have I missed something, or is there 
some other way to turn it back on?

It downloads HLS audio and video and then just the HVF audio before using 
ffmpeg to combine them.  Is there any easy way to download the audio on its 
own?  It would be useful, possibly with audiodescribed, when I am away from 
home and don't have unlimited broadband.

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