BBC RSS adaptor changes

Mike Ralphson mike.ralphson at
Tue Mar 14 02:25:38 PDT 2017

Following the BBC's (temporary?) disabling of the /programmes API JSON feed, I've moved the BBC-RSS adaptor here ( to a new, but slower, feed (thankfully not having to resort to scraping).

All the links in the available radio and TV columns have changed, but I have set up redirects from the old locations. The links in the upcoming column were already using the new feed. I suggest you leave existing links pointing to the redirects for now in case we switch back.

As I say, the new feed is somewhat slower, so if you are able to control it, I would suggest setting the timeout in your RSS reader / fetcher to something in the order of 60 seconds. If this poses significant problems going forward I will look at adding some cacheing.

Individual PID feeds for brands/series (if anyone was using them) are still broken for the moment.

Please let me know of any problems, either here or as an issue on GitHub -

Best, Mike

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