Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

RS richard22j at
Sat Jan 28 03:25:24 PST 2017

>From: batguano999
>Sent: Friday, January 27, 2017 09:38

>So you could probably download a m4a radio show that is not longer than 
>1800 seconds...
>get_iplayer --force --mode=dashhigh --raw --type=radio url=<URL>
>Then de-mux it...
>ffmpeg -i foo.m4a -c copy foo.aac
>Then re-mux it...
>mp4creator -create=foo.aac NEW_foo.m4a

>I do something like this all with the all de-mux/re-mux done in 
>a --command.
>get_iplayer --force --mode=dashhigh --raw --type=radio 
>url=<URL> --command='WHATEVER'

>Also with long shows I use a --command to split them into half hour 
>segments and de-mux/re-mux them all.
>The files play sequentially in my mp3 player.
>After each half hour there is a "clunk" as the file changes.
>Like an 8-track cart player back in the day.

That makes a lot of sense.  Many portable players have limited fast forward 
and skipping capabilities so it makes it easier to skip to a file part way 
through to resume listening.  My satellite receiver writes to an external 
USB drive which has to be formatted in FAT32.  To avoid going over the 
4GByte file limit it splits a recording into 500MByte files.  There is no 
clunk when it plays back its own recordings.

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