Avoiding cache refresh

david at harleystreet.net david at harleystreet.net
Fri Feb 3 05:59:56 PST 2017

I mostly use Get_iPlayer v2.94 manually for downloading radio programmes with a known PID . So
I don't need the TV (or radio) cache. I want a small file size and I also don't want high bit
rates which don't play in my old mp3 player,  and I'm largely interested in voice programmes.

In Windows, the default Get_iPlayer icon for loading the Get_iPlayer comand window issues the

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /k get_iplayer.cmd --search dontshowanymatches && get_iplayer.cmd

I copied the Get_iPlayer icon and renamed my new copy to Get_Radio

Then I edited the command to be

C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /k get_iplayer.cmd --help

Now to load the command window, I just click on my new Get_Radio icon and it loads the command
window without refreshing the cache.

Then I issue my command, for example...

get_iplayer --type=radio --pid=b01h10q2 --aactomp3 --mp3vbr=9 --pid-recursive

which gets me small file size and a low bit rate mp3 version which always (so far) plays in my
antiquated equipment.

Hope that helps.

> On 03 Feb 2017, RS wrote:
>> If I know the pid of the programme I want, is there any way to stop the
>> cache refreshing?  On a slow connection I can reduce the time a download
>> takes by asking for a lower resolution, but refreshing the cache can still
>> take a long time.

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