can I populate the download_history without actualy downloading

Mike Ralphson mike.ralphson at
Tue Sep 6 08:09:02 PDT 2016

>get_iplayer creates the entries in the file each time it has a
>sucsessful downloads a file,
>I could possibly manualy add entrys if I new exactly which fields were
>necessary to fool get_iplayer.

As far as I remember, only the first field of the download history file is checked by get_iplayer, this is the PID (programme id) of the programme concerned, followed by a vertical bar | character.

I wrote two utilities to help in this case, one to rebuild the get_iplayer download history from the existing downloaded files (if you still have them), and one to 'ignore' programmes, series or brands (by PID) by adding fake entries to the download history.

The utilities require node.js to be installed if you want to go down that route: npm -i bbcparse 

Copy config.json.example to config.json and edit to include your get_iplayer home directory

Then: node ignore.js {PID}

to add all current episodes matching this PID to the download history.

Or: node populate_download_history.js {directory}

Where {directory} contains downloaded programmes which include PIDs in their filenames.


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