error: thumnail download failed

Majid Hussain mhussaincov93 at
Tue Jun 21 23:46:19 PDT 2016

hi there,
as the subject states, as of a few ours ago, my downloads are spuing
the message error: thumnail download failed after gp completes
download of programm.
i'm using gpdev version up-to-date,
I suspect this will be a problem when using the non development release also?
is this a big issue could this be a sign that the bbc may be about to
pull the plug on the metadata service that provides us with radio and
t.v index feeds?
ore am I being over parranoied?
is this something I should be worried about?
here is my options file.

refreshfuture 1
subdir 1
modes hlslow
nopurge 1
tvmode flashlow,hlslow

I was just curious you see,
Majid Hussain

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