hlshd download speeds

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at the.forthnet.gr
Thu Jul 21 17:25:36 PDT 2016

On Thu Jul 21 22:19:27 BST 2016, RS wrote: 

> If I need to download a file larger 
> than 4GByte from get_iplayer
> (snip)
> I'll have to do it to an internal NTFS drive.  
> I can then use ffmpeg to split it into FAT32 
> compatible files so I can use the satellite 
> receiver to play them.

Many thanks for the detailed explanation :-)

> You could also have asked me 
> how I handle files with colons in the names.

 In all honesty, how could I?
This is the GiP mailing list and my query was 
particular to GiP video files; GiP by default 
removes/replaces all Windows forbidden characters 
from filenames, so what you mentioned is 
something I have never faced with GiP 
produced video/audio files. Plus, I had no 
prior knowledge of the way your SatReceiver 
saves filenames (i.e. with extant colons). 
So no, I couldn't have...

 Nevertheless, thanks for that extra bit of info, 
which might prove useful to others; 
I, for one, have learned that
1. Colons (:) are allowed in Linux
2. dir /x can be used in Windows to show short paths 
(old DOS 8.3 naming convention). 
>From a "SuperUser" reply I also found 
the following batch file, "ShortNamePath.cmd" 
if '%1'=='' (%0 .) else echo %~s1


which prints the short path of current directory...


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