GiP-2.95-develop & list archives

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Thu Apr 7 13:58:40 PDT 2016

On Thu Apr 7 20:11:57 BST 2016, Paul Phillips wrote: 

> Disk space aside, and frame rate aside, 
> is the picture quality better if you use "best" with 2.95?  
> (I would be plugging this into WebPVR
> and using quick URL)

Hello Paul, 

...With respect, please re-read more 
carefully my post and you'll find that I 
have provided a clue as to what "best" fetches:

>> hls tvmodes are still the default for VOD.

Notice the mode prefix is "hls", not "hvf". 
So for TV, --modes=best will fetch hlshd, 
whenever available, else will try hlsvhigh, and so on...

Please also read the following Support Forum 
thread, with input from dinkypumpkin 
and what you need to do to always fetch 

As to when the picture quality is better 
(hlshd -25FPS V. hvfhd 50FPS), 
John Warburton's post covers this in 
an excellent fashion; if you ask me, 
I will also add a personal factor, 
which is the hardware device that will be used 
for viewing - if you happen to own 
a very big SmartTV and your hardware 
player (TV's built-in or other) can cope fine with 
50FPS and the high bitrates (ca. 5Mbps) 
those video files have, then go for those 
(Since you state you don't mind doubled 
download duration, doubled bandwidth used 
and doubled file size...) 
If, OTOH, you'll be watching on a small monitor 
or a laptop, and again I am voicing my own 
opinion here, all those "doubled" are not worth it - 
flashhd/hlshd play fine in a 15.6" laptop 

Have a nice evening, 

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