Audacity, get_iplayer & Windows 10

Jeremy Nicoll - ml gip at
Tue Nov 17 13:11:43 PST 2015

On 2015-11-17 18:21, CJB wrote:
> Audacity is the music editing app. that I am most familiar with. I
> like it. It works.
> I also use it to process downloads from get_iplayer.
> However with Microsoft's increasingly aggressive stance in forcing
> upgrades to Windows 10 I am concerned. I have heard that Audacity does
> not work with Win 10.

I don't know... but for processing existing sound files surely Audacity
just opens files, manipulates them and closes them again?  That 
be OS specific.

Howver I guess it might have problems with drivers for specific audio
equipment, if it uses its own rather than those provided by the OS.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own

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