pvr search term no longer works

Budgie ajebay at errichel.co.uk
Fri Mar 20 03:08:26 PDT 2015

I am trying to record Afternoon on 3 - Thursday Opera Matinee using pvr 
and gip v2.92.  After some patient help from dinkypumpkin in April 2013 
with the command required to add to pvr list:-

get_iplayer --pvradd --type=radio --fields=episode "Thursday Opera Matinee"

This has worked fine until recently when we had to upgrade to 
accommodate changes at BBC and my machine went down for a while.  All is 
now working as before except for this one programme.

The entry in my pvr list is:-

pvrsearch = Thursday_Opera_Matinee
         fields = episode
         search0 = Thursday Opera Matinee
         type = radio

Does anybody have any ideas as to what I am doing wrong please?


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