My bat_iplayer script now has a problem.

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Thu Jun 4 17:43:13 PDT 2015

On Thu Jun 4 09:47:34 BST 2015, Jon Davies wrote:

> this should work:
> TITLE=$(wget --quiet -O -$PID.rdf |
> grep "<dc:title>" | sed -re "s/ *<dc:title>(.*?)<\/dc:title>/\1/")

 Hi, Jon!

 No doubt batguano999 would be thankful for your code...
I do not have a Linux box to check it, but since I was the one
who proposed alternate working URLs (in lieu of the blocked
XML playlist), I did some "curiosity" tests for (as an example)
pid=b05wxxjv (AOD) and found the fullest title string to be
contained within the JSON playlist file: =>
"title":"The Official Chart Update, 03\/06\/2015" (twice) =>
<display_title><title>The Official Chart 
Update</title><subtitle>03/06/2015</subtitle></display_title> =>

Is it feasible for you to come up with code
that exploits the JSON playlist URL?

Most kind regards,

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