Help needed with BBC Collections Archive programmes

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Sat Jan 31 08:34:51 PST 2015

On Sat Jan 31 15:25:08 GMT 2015, sergeant.bilko e-mail wrote:

> First post here, so apologies for any inadvertent errors.

Welcome :-)

> I'm trying to download a series of 3 programmes, they are BBC
> Collections Archive concerts from "The Sound and the Fury" series
> (2012).

When I run:

get_iplayer -i "The Sound and the Fury in Concert"

these come up:

pid:            p014sm7h
verpids:      default: p02hj93w

pid:            p015319h
verpids:      default: p02hj77c

pid:            p01531w2
verpids:      default: p02hj7r0

> Am I doing something wrong,
> or is it a result of the programme format
> (snip)
> get_iplayer v2.91

In v2.91, GiP tries by default to extract the vPID parameter
by loading the following template URL:[pid].rdf
vPID is found inside the <po:version rdf:resource= entry.
Unfortunately, all three of your target programmes produce
two such entries, so 2.91 gets confused; only tries the first one,
which DOES NOT RETURN any streams
(only the secondvalue does...).
I am pretty confident this issue has been dealt with in the
"develop" branch of GiP 2.92:

but for tag 2.91 you can retry your download commands
employing the --playlist-metadata switch:

get_iplayer --pid=p01531w2 --playlist-metadata --modes=flashvhigh --force --subtitles

C:\Program Files\get_iplayer>perl --pid=p01531w2 --playl
ist-metadata --modes=flashvhigh --force --subtitles
get_iplayer v2.91, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details 
use --warranty.
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under 
  conditions; use --conditions for details.

INFO Trying to stream pid using type tv
INFO: pid found in cache
1688:   The Sound and the Fury in Concert - Cage, Feldman, Reich, Monk, Part 
 Benjamin, BBC, Arts,Arts Culture & the Media,Classical,Experimental & 
al,Music, default

INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: Checking existence of default version
INFO: flashvhigh1,flashvhigh2 modes will be tried for version default
INFO: Trying flashvhigh1 mode to record tv: The Sound and the Fury in 
Concert -
Cage, Feldman, Reich, Monk, Part and Benjamin
INFO: File name prefix = 

INFO: Subtitles not available
RTMPDump v2.4 GIT-2015-01-15 (Compiled by KSV)
(c) 2010 Andrej Stepanchuk, Howard Chu, The Flvstreamer Team; license: GPL
Connecting ...
INFO: Connected...
Starting download at: 0.000 kB
INFO: Metadata:
INFO:   duration                2335.96
INFO:   moovPosition            36.00
INFO:   width                   832.00
INFO:   height                  468.00
INFO:   videocodecid            avc1
INFO:   audiocodecid            mp4a
INFO:   avcprofile              77.00
INFO:   avclevel                31.00
INFO:   aacaot                  2.00
INFO:   videoframerate          25.00
INFO:   audiosamplerate         48000.00
INFO:   audiochannels           2.00
INFO: trackinfo:
INFO:   length                  58399000.00
INFO:   timescale               25000.00
INFO:   language                und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              avc1
INFO:   length                  112125952.00
INFO:   timescale               48000.00
INFO:   language                und
INFO: sampledescription:
INFO:   sampletype              mp4a
516.383 kB / 2.76 sec (0.1%)


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