Problem with downloading AD version for episode of Wolfblood

Timothy Wynn twynn92 at
Mon Oct 20 23:07:29 PDT 2014

I've tried downloading an episode of Wolfblood with Audio Description. Most 
episodes work fine, but episode three didn't for some reason.

When entering in the PID:
get_iplayer --subtitles --versions audiodescribed --pid b04jtt0w
I get:
INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
INFO: No versions of this programme were selected (available versions: default)

Therefore, I went to:
Looked at the source, and found the VPID "p0274z8l". I then tried:
get_iplayer --pid p0274z8l
and got:
INFO: 1 Matching Programmes
ERROR: Failed to get version pid metadata from iplayer site

Is there anything I'm doing wrong? The program still plays fine on the iPlayer 


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