Another download issue.

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Sat Oct 11 05:39:58 PDT 2014

On Sat Oct 11 06:13:46 BST 2014, Mike Casswell wrote:

> I have followed the instructions to download and copy the new version
> of, twice, but receive the following error when I try to 
> run it:
> (snip)
> Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: c:/Program
> Files/get_iplayer/lib .) at line 74.
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 74.
> (snip)
> Windows 7 32bit.

Ah yes, that... I was also faced with this issue...

You have an obsolete installation of GiP!
Download the LATEST Windows installer from:

and run. This will update the "mini-perl" disrtibution that GiP uses
and will install the missing perl module that causes the
compilation error.
 It will also update the main script to tag version 2.86, and
you have the options to update/remove the other helper
utilities (updating FFmpeg, rtmpdump & AtomicParsley is
a good idea, MPlayer: you decide (but keep it), VLC: it is
practically of no use to GiP currently... ).

 Then you may proceed to update the script to the Git HEAD version.


line 74:  use open qw(:utf8);

This was re-introduced recently in the main script
and instructs it to use perl module
this one was not included in the mini-perl packages
that came with quite older versions of GiP's win-setups
(I had v4.2 installed).

Enjoy your days away from the PC :-) !

Kind Regards,

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