Live TV pining for the fjords

Jim Lesurf jcgl at
Sun Nov 9 02:27:47 PST 2014

> For the moment I'm occupied with fixing things still broken by the loss 
> of the programme feeds, but HDS is a can of worms that will have to be 
> opened eventually.  The BBC have already declared they are moving to HDS 
> for AOD in 2015.  If they are going to use the switch to bring in DRM (a 
> la C4), then it's game over for get_iplayer (except for podcasts).  If 
> anyone sees any news about their DRM plans, please post.

FWIW I've just written an 'opinion' column for Hi Fi News magazine about
the way the BBC dropped the feeds and raising the general issue of - in
effect - who the BBC should have in mind when making changes, etc. I've
asked readers to comment on their experience and wishes in the matter. In
particular I'm wondering how these changes may hit people with some 'smart'
devices or special groups like those with eyesight problems who aren't
aware of why something has 'stopped working'.

However the publication cycle of HFN is 3-4 months, so don't expect to see
the column soon.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

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