[Get-iPlayer] Re: Hello World...

Graham Cobb g+get_iplayer at cobb.uk.net
Wed Nov 5 09:52:47 PST 2014

On 05/11/14 17:22, artisticforge . wrote:
> My point was that industry was content to allow VHS recording because
> they knew that each duplication of the tape would degrade the quality

The industry didn't "allow VHS recording".  They fought tooth and nail
against it.  Judges allowed it.

Time-shifting (like format shifting) is a reasonable use.  The
technology used to achieve it is irrelevant.

If get_iplayer, or off-air recording, or cinema screen recording, or
stealing master copies, is being used for illegal activities then
prosecute the person doing it.  The tools they are using are not the issue.

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