Hello World...

Alan Milewczyk alan at soulman1949.com
Wed Nov 5 07:28:04 PST 2014

On 05/11/2014 15:17, waclarke at btconnect.com wrote:
> On 05/11/14 13:56, artisticforge . wrote:
>> get_iplayer, bypasses all of that and is grabbing a digital copy of
>> the BBC content. there is a fundamental difference.
> My point is that if I can record off digital TV legally, why can we 
> not record off iplayer using GIP, its is the same digital content.

I think you'll find that home recording would be viewed as technically 
illegal. In practice they're not going to chase you unless there is a 
loss of revenue. But anything that makes the job of recording easier for 
you, especially getting to the source material directly, is not going to 
be encouraged.


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