Thank You

waclarke at waclarke at
Tue Nov 4 01:18:46 PST 2014

On 04/11/14 01:51, Peter S Kirk wrote:
> After all, GiP is no different from the old method of recording TV to VCR
> or Radio to cassette tape.
Isn't that the point, by using GIP we are only using another type of 
recording device to record content from the BBC. I could buy a DigitalTV 
today, connect a external HD to it and record digital TV and store it 
for as long I wish. The only difference by using GIP is that I am 
recording programs that have been aired in the past 30 days, not live 

Would it be worth trying to start some dialogue with the BBC (not sure 
if this has already been tried ?) to see if there is a way they (GIP 
developers) could work together and have GIP as a recognised 3rd party 
product or just accepted for Nitro. As it has proved in the last few 
days, the BBC changes things people will find a way to get over these 
changes, by closing doors, it only makes people more determined.

If the BBC wanted to they could shut down GIP today by appling DRM to 
all content streaming (like Netflix and Prime) so I cannot see by 
starting any dialogue, how that would change anything as they already 
know about GIP, we are not telling them something they don't know about.

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