Podcasts stopped transferring to iPad

Russell Baldwin russ at shoesforindustry.net
Tue Mar 25 04:50:50 EDT 2014

Thanks very much for the reply Steven. I tried your suggestion, but I could be doing it wrong ;-)

get_iplayer --pvr --tag-podcast-radio --tag-fulltitle --aavtomp3

For me at least, this put it into 'Music', not 'Podcasts'.
Perhaps something to do with the order of commands?

The only reliable way for me is if  iTunes I set the Get Info / Options / Media Kind to 'Music'
and then find it Music and set it back again to 'Podcast'?

This suggests to me that something has changed with the metadata for iTunes Podcasts to sync?
Something which '--tag-podcast-radio ' does not do, but manually doing it does do?


On 24 Mar 2014, at 13:51, Steven Carr <sjcarr at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've had to add the flag --aactomp3 - it looked like iTunes was doing
> something funny with the m4a file, it would initially detect is as a
> podcast but then it decided it was regular music and demoted it which
> prevented syncing. After switching to MP3 they have remained as
> podcasts and are syncing nicely - damned iTunes :

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