Remuxing m4a radio files for digital audio player

Ben Shepherd bjashepherd at
Wed Feb 19 15:34:58 EST 2014

On 19 February 2014 18:58, batguano999 <batguano999 at> wrote:
> So to download and re-mux m4a with overwrite the command is like this:-
> get_iplayer --type=radio --mode=flashaacstd --command='MP4Box -ipod "<filename>"' --pid=b03vcywt
Something like that. You need to specify an output filename for
MP4Box, so your MP4Box command should be something like:

MP4Box -ipod "<filename>" -out "C:\path\to\<fileprefix>.m4a"

I also append

& del "<filename>"

so the (unremuxed) original file gets deleted afterwards. (All this
can be stored using --prefs-add so you only need to type it out once.)


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