Winter Olympics live stream recording

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Sun Feb 9 14:43:51 EST 2014

On 09/02/2014 18:51, Paul Phillips wrote:
> How do you stop it recording and get it to dump/recode?  Can you
> actually just leave it until the stream ends?

Not sure.  I assume rtmpdump will quit when the stream ends, but that's 
just an assumption. You can also run with --stop=hh:mm:ss, where 
hh:mm:ss is elapsed time for rtmpdump to run.  Otherwise, just kill 
rtmpdump from Task Manager when you're done. The file should be re-muxed 
if you use --stop, and maybe if the stream ends cleanly - not sure about 
that.  Definitely not if you just kill rtmpdump.

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