Radio File Format Questions

Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer at
Sat Nov 30 19:04:42 EST 2013

Budgie <ajebay at> wrote:

>Since I have no idea why I get these files from time to time I assume I 
>do not have get_iplayer set up correctly so that is cannot download in 
>this format.  First request then is what should I put in my options file 
>to ensure I only get the higher quality radio options?

I think you need to set --modes= to a list of the modes you're willing to
download.  Suppose that the default is something like:


but that at the time that your fetch is attempted only the lower quality
files are actually working properly from the content provider... then GiP
has probably tried the high quality ones, they've failed and the lower
quality one has been fetched.  If you code for example


then I think only those quality levels would be attempted.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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