
dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Fri Nov 15 14:27:26 EST 2013

On 15/11/2013 17:00, J wrote:
> I see that radio programmes entitled "15 Minute Drama" are being
> broadcast on R4 and R4X but that the series which is a debut on R4X was
> previously broadcast on R4 and is still labelled as such.
> A consequence is that both series are being captured by pvr runs (WinXP;
> 2.84; CLI) with 'BBC Radio 4' as a filter criterion.

I don't think there is much you can do in this case.  The BBC has simply 
put those episodes in the wrong listings feed.  The episode metadata 
(view with --info) is correct, but not the listings used to populate the 
programme cache.  Searches are performed against the cache.

> Any way round this by also filtering on firstbcastrel or the like and,
> if so, what line would I add to a pvr file to achieve exclusion of such
> re-broadcasts?

No.  That information isn't contained in the listings feeds.

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