
J j at
Fri Nov 15 12:00:48 EST 2013

I see that radio programmes entitled "15 Minute Drama" are being 
broadcast on R4 and R4X but that the series which is a debut on R4X was 
previously broadcast on R4 and is still labelled as such.

A consequence is that both series are being captured by pvr runs (WinXP; 
2.84; CLI) with 'BBC Radio 4' as a filter criterion.

If I had downloaded the original broadcast then I've moved it, deleted 
it and twiddled with GiP a fair bit in the meantime so it's not being 
recognised as already downloaded.

Any way round this by also filtering on firstbcastrel or the like and, 
if so, what line would I add to a pvr file to achieve exclusion of such 

If this retention of original channel info isn't at all widespread and 
creating a filter isn't straightforward then I could just accept it as 
is, I guess.


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