WARNING: rtmpdump/flvstreamer 1.8 or later is required - please upgrade

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 21:44:22 EST 2013

On 09/03/2013 00:46, conrad1on wrote:
> Turns out diddling with the 'Path' 'System variable' in 'Environment Variables' was indeed the issue, and manually adding C:\Windows and C:\Windows\system32 back to that would seem to have solved the problem. I've no idea what other possible paths may have been listed there that are now missing, but I guess I'll find out at some point when something else mysteriously stops working.

Umm, yeah.  You don't want to remove your system directories from the 
path.  rtmpdump won't be executed properly from Perl and will thus 
appear to be missing to get_iplayer.

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