get_iplayer - Query. Set a variable in batch to --subdir

Terence fentango at
Sun Jul 21 12:02:09 EDT 2013

I use a rough batch file I wrote to pass commands to get-iplayer. I'm 
wanting to capture the --subdir part & set it to a variable.
I can then use it to move the programs download folder when complete.
I'm a novice at batch & use no other programming language.
Windows 7 x86
Example: C: & cd "\Program Files\get_iplayer\" & 
"%Windir%\system32\cmd.exe" /c get_iplayer --type=tv "987" --get 
--vmode=best --output="\downloads\media\" --subdir
set FPLACE=--subdir
I know that would just set FPLACE to --subdir which is no good. I want 
FPLACE to be set to what --subdir represents.



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